What is the Single Most Valuable Shot for a Listing?

A lot of agents have asked me this question and I always have an easy answer. A Twilight shot will get you the MOST clicks when listings a home in any market. Either a 200k home or a 2million dollar home. It’s all going to benefit the listing and gets views to YOUR listing.

Why don’t agents do Twilight shots? Well mostly due to cost since it’s a separate visit for the photographer, unless they schedule a later shot in the day close to sunset. But through my experience some agents Love them and some don’t care about them. It’s kind of like using a Professional Photographer at all for your listings. It’s all about marketing yourself and your business and a lot of agents don’t understand this. I won’t go on a rant about that in this post though.

A Twilight shot will get more views, more eyes on your image, WOW the seller, WOW the buyers and get buyers to see Your Listing FIRST in a row of standard photos!

Think about a twilight shot like using video for your listings. In this internet age of marketing anything and homes especially you have to stand out from the thousands of other agents fighting for every listing. Yeah some agents have experience, some great marketing (minus photography, video, twilight lol..I know there is more to market a home other then these.), selling themselves, great agents in a team and more that help in getting business. If you look at it from a buyer or seller’s view then there are many things they all look for. Most of the time it’s “What makes you stand out and how can you sell my home different then the other guy/girl?”. So I ask you..

What are the Top 5 Things you can do RIGHT NOW to make yourself stand out over your competition and get sellers and buyers to see this online and call YOU for your business?